Eve Buechner

Eve Buechner

TV presenter

Our services

TBA Tim Becker Artwork Berlin Hamburg Logo

► TBA-Berlin:

► TBA-Hamburg:

Eve Büchner TV moderation

Eve Büchner was a TV presenter and event organizer at the time the website was created.
Today she is active as an entrepreneur in the private equity sector.

TBA Tim Becker Artwork Berlin Hamburg Logo

TBA-Hamburg - Tasks

Our office in Hamburg is responsible for brand development and design at TBA and describes its services on its own website:

TBA Tim Becker Artwork Berlin Hamburg Logo

TBA-Berlin - Tasks

The task was to gamify a website with special animation software based on design templates and animation specifications from TBA-Hamburg.

Website as a game, fully animated (2003)

The images presented were created during the project delivery (website launch). As websites are constantly evolving and are often updated by clients, current websites may differ from these examples.

Further examples by category