Email mailbox configuration

Mailbox configuration data

Enclosed is an overview of the required configuration data that the respective e-mail program will ask you for during setup.

You can set up either an IMAP or a POP mailbox. There are small differences in behavior that are worth knowing. If in doubt, take the IMAP mailbox settings.

1) MailboxType IMAP

1a) IMAP settings for receiving (IN):

Server name (host)
For Apple: Manage connection settings automatically?off (no check mark)
User nameYour new e-mail address
PasswordYour new password
SSL / TLSon (check the box!)
For Apple: Authentication method (selection)via “password”
Root folder path name
or IMAP path prefix
(is normally set automatically;
Note capitalization!)

1b) IMAP settings for sending (OUT):

Server name (host)
For Apple: Manage connection settings automatically?off (no check mark)
User nameYour new e-mail address
PasswordYour new password
SSL / TLSon (check the box!)

Alternatively, START-TLS is also supported for sending (PORT 587)

2) MailboxType POP3

2a) POP3 settings for reception (IN):

Server name (host)
For Apple: Manage connection settings automatically?off (no check mark)
User nameYour new e-mail address
PasswordYour new password
SSL / TLSon (check the box!)
For Apple: Authentication method (selection)via “password”

2b) POP3 settings for sending (OUT):

Server name (host)
For Apple: Manage connection settings automatically?off (no check mark)
User nameYour new e-mail address
PasswordYour new password
SSL / TLSon (check the box!)

Alternatively, START-TLS is also supported for sending (PORT 587)

Setup notes

Please first log in to our server with your new password and change your password;
please choose a password with at least 16 characters that is not easy to guess:

Tip: Choose a good password. Stolen e-mail accounts due to overly simple passwords are
one of the main causes of successful virus attacks, identity theft and advertising harassment.

All important links to your settings and webmail (edit mails via browser):


Most common mistakes:

  • The username is not freely selectable and not your name. Here must always be the e-mail address of this account instead!
  • The ports are not set correctly? (For Apple, the ports are visible when “Manage connection settings automatically” is disabled).
  • SSL/TLS must be enabled.
  • When copying/pasting the password, a space may have been copied along. As a precaution, type the password manually.


In the vast majority of cases, SSL encryption certificates are installed automatically by the email client and you don’t need to do anything. However, it may be necessary to install the certificates for SSL encryption manually. In this case, simply download the certificate pair matching the host name from the following links and install the certificates by double-clicking on the respective file:


Carl D. Erling, Berlin, CTO
Carl D. Erling, CTO